This is a tough one. You’re a cost center. You’re not driving revenues. Sure, you’re important. I know that. You know that. But do the bean counters know? Not really. In essence, you must prove a “but for” case. “But for” this department, you wouldn’t have received shareholder approval for this and that. “But for” this department, you might have been sued for misleading disclosure. …
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Why I Joined Cooley: Channeling the Voice of the In-House Practitioner
I’ve just joined a deep – and fun-loving – team to develop content harnessing wisdom from the hundreds of in-house counsel that Cooley talks with on a daily basis. Along with my own extensive network of in-house colleagues, our combined forces allow us to bring you The Governance Beat, a site that channels the voice of the in-house practitioner. I’ve been dying to develop this …
What Is ‘The Governance Beat’?
The Governance Beat channels the voice of the in-house practitioner. The practical guidance found here – which blends real-life issues, tips and wisdom shared with us – is crafted with you in mind. How does The Governance Beat do this?