Last week, Cooley’s Reid Hooper attended the annual meeting of shareholder proposal stakeholders that Corp Fin hosts. Here are a few facts to help you glean some information about these meetings from Reid, who has been an active participant in them for many years:
What Do the Vanguard Pass-Through Voting Pilot Results Mean?
A lot of people are talking about the results recently posted by Vanguard from the first year of its pass-through voting pilot program. Many understandably want to read the tea leaves as indicating that “investor choice” voting on a widespread scale could alter the dynamics of the proxy season. Did the results surprise me? Overall, I don’t think so. I’m not convinced that they look …
Ten Shareholder Proposal Trends Gleaned From the Latest Proxy Season
Here are 10 bullets you can tell your senior management team and board based on lessons learned about shareholder proposals from this proxy season (hat tip to Proxy Analytics’ Steve Pantina for his help with these):