Normally, I don’t pay too much attention to the speeches that SEC Commissioners deliver because it’s the SEC Chair that wields the real clout. But given where we are with a new SEC Chair to be sworn in over the coming months – and the fact that SEC Commissioner Hester Peirce worked with Paul Atkins when he was last an SEC Commissioner – I found …
Your Top 12 Decision Points for EDGAR Next – Part 2
As I blogged about in Part 1 last month, there are actions you should be taking now to prepare for the SEC’s new EDGAR Next, including becoming educated about what this is all about. Here are the last of the dozen questions you should be asking yourself – with a big hat tip to McKesson’s Jim Brashear for helping to sort this out: 5. What …
New SEC Chair Nominee is Paul Atkins
Former SEC Commissioner Paul Atkins has been selected as the new SEC Chair nominee. Paul served as a Commissioner from 2002 to 2008 and was a staffer at the SEC during the ’90s. Here are articles about this selection:
A New Presidential Administration? We Really Don’t Know Much Yet
Following up on my recent blog – “A New Presidential Administration? Top Five Impacts in Our Space” – here are a few more thoughts based on my years of observing the SEC:
A New Presidential Administration? Top Five Impacts in Our Space
With the US election now over, there are a host of outlets out there speculating about what the result means for the world. For our corporate governance and securities space, here are my five quick takes about what the new administration might mean:
Your Top 12 Decision Points for EDGAR Next
As I recently noted in this blog, there are actions you should be taking now to prepare for the SEC’s new EDGAR Next. One thing you should be doing is becoming educated about what this is all about. Know that there is still a fair amount of uncertainty about what will eventually develop into standard practices in response to the SEC’s rulemaking, and that there …
In-House Voices: Practical Issues With SEC’s EDGAR Next
We’ve polled some of our in-house friends, and here’s what they’re saying about the practical issues they see – and the fears they have – so far with the SEC’s new EDGAR Next, which I blogged about recently:
In-House Voices: Effective Shareholder Engagement Practices
We’ve polled some of our in-house friends – and here’s what they say works best when engaging with shareholders:
Digging Into Corp Fin’s Annual Shareholder Proposal Stakeholder Meeting
Last week, Cooley’s Reid Hooper attended the annual meeting of shareholder proposal stakeholders that Corp Fin hosts. Here are a few facts to help you glean some information about these meetings from Reid, who has been an active participant in them for many years: