Recently, I blogged about the SEC’s new EDGAR Next, then I shared a number of anecdotes from in-house practitioners who are starting to spot the challenges they will face to comply with the new rules. Here are six things you should be doing now:
In-House Voices: Practical Issues With SEC’s EDGAR Next
We’ve polled some of our in-house friends, and here’s what they’re saying about the practical issues they see – and the fears they have – so far with the SEC’s new EDGAR Next, which I blogged about recently:
The SEC Updates Protocols for Your Edgar Accounts
Recently, the SEC adopted rule changes to improve the security of filer EDGAR access, including amending Form ID. As Cydney Posner lays out in her PubCo blog, the rule changes impact companies so that: The good news is that these new rules likely will cut down on the number of fake EDGAR filings, which were pretty rare, but a lot of fun to blog about, …
A Company’s PR Firm Gets Rosy on Social Media, SEC Enforcement Ensues
Recently, a company settled an SEC enforcement proceeding because a public relations firm managing the CEO’s social media accounts went rogue when it disseminated material nonpublic information. Here are a few random thoughts:
Cybersecurity Form 8-Ks: Corp Fin’s Interesting Comment Letter Process
We’ve known for some time that Corp Fin is reviewing Form 8-Ks filed after a company experiences a cybersecurity incident – including whether those 8-Ks should be filed under Item 1.05 or Item 8.01. These reviews have happened side-by-side with three tranches of guidance from the staff regarding cybersecurity incident 8-Ks, including: Now, the Corp Fin staff has uploaded an interesting publicly available comment letter …
SEC (Still) Conducting Whistleblower Impediment Sweeps
Yesterday, the SEC announced it had charged seven companies with violating ’34 Act Rule 21F-17(a) by using employment and separation agreements to impede potential whistleblowers from reporting misconduct to the SEC. Here are four bullets about this sweep – and the “bottom line” about what you need to do now: Bottom Line: If you haven’t battle-tested your employment and separation agreements against the SEC’s line …